Bomar is no stranger to giving quotes about her famous grandson’s love life that he, most likely, does not appreciate.
People has confirmed with the always-willing-to-chat "source" that Justin popped the question with a custom-designed ring while the two were vacationing in Montana. And earlier today, Justin's own grandma, Sadie Bomar, went on the record with Gossip Cop confirming the news, saying, "He called me on Christmas Day and told me he's engaged." And you know grandmothers never lie.
To be honest, this nuptial news has us feeling a little conflicted. On the one hand, we want to see Justin happy. On the other, why can't he be happy with us? We could bring sexy back together. Perhaps you feel that way too? If so, we'd like to share our itinerary for the next 24 hours, including the three things we'll do to console ourselves over the loss of another eligible Hollywood hottie. Maybe you too can find a little solace in these activities.

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