Buchanan believes cultural Marxists replaced economic Marxists in the 1960's as the greatest threat to traditional American values. After four decades of victim mongering and thought policing by the media and academia, a new dominant cultural narrative has replaced the freedom, family, and personal responsibility narrative that prevailed in the United States for the first two hundred years of its existence. Buchanan believes Christianity is largely responsible for upholding the traditional values above, and that as Christianity has declined, so has the culture. Buchanan also believes the Euro-ethnic foundation of the United States contributed to the great success this nation has achieved in such a short time period because the European settlers promoted ideas and values that were exceptional.
These are not controversial ideas. In fact most honest sociologists and historians would be forced to admit they are incontrovertible. Nonetheless, they are uncomfortable ideas, so smart folks who wish to be popular with the press and the political class are not supposed to write them.
Presidential candidate Ron Paul believes the United States is in decline because it has abandoned its core principles. Paul's main focus tends to be economic, while Buchanan's emphasis tends to be cultural, but there is considerable overlap between these two points of emphasis. Like Buchanan, Paul believes the federal government has grown far beyond its constitutional limit, and that expansion has created a dependency society that has ruined communities. Paul also believes we have a broken Federal Reserve system that enables a corrupt government and all of its crony capitalist extensions, and needs to be put asunder. Most importantly, Congressman Paul believes the United States is already functionally bankrupt and the status quo is unsustainable. The United States needs a course correction.
As importantly, Paul and Buchanan are perhaps the two leading proponents of a non-interventionist foreign policy. Each believes a war with Iran would be devastating. Paul is correctly and courageously pointing out that a functionally bankrupt nation cannot afford any more wars.
Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul are offering uncomfortable truths that scare and offend many Americans. Their ideas also threaten the main power centers in America today. The political class, the financiers, the liberal elites, the media, and the military industrial system all stand to lose influence if Buchanan and Paul are believed. Thus, the thought police are working overtime to silence them.
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