National Enquirer Whitney Houston Casket Photo

National Enquirer has gone too far by publishing Whitney Houston casket photo?

national enquirer whitney houston casket photoA National Enquirer casket photo of the late Whitney Houston lying in her coffin during her funeral has sparked controversy.

The casket photo was splashed on the cover of the tabloid magazine just days after Whitney Houston was laid to rest at a private funeral on Sunday in her hometown of Newark, N.J.

These covers have much in common with the Whitney Houston open casket photo that the National Enquirer just ran. The current cover’s headline says “Whitney: The Last Photo!” while the others say “The Last Picture.”

Although many fans and media outlets believe that the National Enquirer went too far by publishing the disturbing photo, others argue that more responsibility lies with the person who took the photo, as opposed to the tabloid.

The New Jersey funeral home, which was in charge of Houston's funeral services, denies having taken the photo and had expressed disdain at the publishing of the image.

However, the National Enquirer has defended its decision to publish the private picture.

"I thought it was beautiful," publisher Mary Beth Wright told Fox News, adding that the picture was "a work of art."

The National Enquirer has refused to reveal its source for the whitney Houston casket photo .

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