Is it Really Rolf Harris Arrested?
Rolf Harris, who became one of Britain’s best known entertainers, has been reportedly arrested as part of the Operation Yewtree investigations on suspicion of sexual offenses.Inspired as a result of hundreds of charges of paedophilia and sexual harassment being made against the late entertainer Jimmy Savile, a number of celebrities have been arrested, questioned or charged, including Max Clifford, Gary Glitter, Dave Lee Travis and Jim Davison.
Today the British press are reporting that an 82 year old man living in Berkshire was arrested, the Australian press have named him as Australian and the Daily Star On Star journalist Tom Savage has named the individual as Harris.
The 82 year old entertainer who had Princess Anne singing along to his song Two Little Boys at the Queen’s jubilee concert last year has been arrested on reported child sex charges.
Rolf Harris was initially questioned last November as part of the Jimmy Savile scandal.
Overnight, detectives from Operation Yewtree confirmed they had arrested an 82 year old Australian entertainer.

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