Peterpan changed to NOAH Band
"Peterpan" has officially changed to NOAH Band. At a press conference at the same time Noah's name at the office inauguration Musica, Ariel said a paragraph in a biography that describes the name Peterpan band, the new group.
"A power has brought us one by one, in a way that can not be guessed by anyone. Together Uki, Lukman, Reza, and David, we have arrived at an intersection of half-way, and we still gather at the intersection. We are ready to do what we can do in the future, we will go on, "said Ariel Peterpan ready to cite the book was released on 9 August, Thursday (2/8).
Ariel claimed, the personnel and also the Musica particularly during the period of two years should be good at lying when many people are asking what the new name Peterpan. In fact, according to those closest to them were not allowed to know the new name Peterpan is now officially changed to Noah.
"We have to be smart to lie, although there are people nearby who Nanya do not let anyone know because the launching of this album is still a long time (first time). In fact, my wife wrote Lukman did not know, "he joked.
According to Ariel just air being released from prison last July 23, the problem with sound and music are nothing new in the band Noah. For him, the new spirit is the most recent was in his band.
"The most recent of Noah, not soundnya, for me the most is the new spirit. There's something new that I Serves in this band, as we long to hold it to the public, the most recent is the spirit, we offer a behind the new music, new arrangements, new vocals, most notably a new spirit, "he said.
One of Noah personnel, Lukman hope the name Noah could bring blessings to the label and the music industry Musica Indonesia.
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