Gina Carano Photos

Gina Carano is an Ultimate Fighter. She is the “real deal”. She just isn’t some pretty little actress. She will kick your butt. She hit it big when the remade the American Gladiator show in 2009. Many in the fighting world thought she was a “sell out” and she should have stayed a fighter but heck…. Who can blame her?

American Gladiator released her as CRUSH. She was a beast against all the normal athletic mothers trying to win money. The ladies had to try to beat her off the platform with their stick. She brutalized those poor ladies. Her popularity took a huge up-tic after this issue was released. Everyone on 09 was comparing her to Kimbo Slice or Spice or whomever. All hype no ability. Gina is no Kimbo.

Gina Carano in Bikini Photo
gina carano bikini pics

Gina Carano Legs Photo
gina carano legs

Gina Carano in MAXIM Photo
gina carano maxim

Gina Carano in ESPN Photo
gina carano espn

Now, she is actually staring in a movie that is set to be released here in a week, "Haywire".

It was released as a wide release on more than 2500 screens. Other wide released movies that were released on Jan 20th include Underworld Awakening, Red Tails and Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.

Total sales from all movies this weekend are expected to come in at around $102 million and Relativity Media is projecting that Haywire will do $8 million in sales. Underworld Awakening is expected to come in #1 with 20-25 million in weekend sales.

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