Piermario Morosini Death

The Livorno midfielder died of a heart attack at the age of just turned 25 years old, while playing at Pescara last Saturday.
Approximately 5,000 people stood outside the church of San Gregorio Barbarigo in the town of Bergamo. To accommodate the mourners who came, there were giant screens outside the church, so the public can witness the process that occurs in the church.
Family, friends and teammates, was among 500 people who sat in the church, while supporting the local club, Atalanta, unfurled the flag of their clubs on the steps outside the church.
The fans are singing the name of Morosini when the coach who brought the corpse Atalanta and Udinese player is - Morosini was on loan from Udinese Livorno - arrived at the church.
Italian coach, Cesare Prandelli, U-21 national team coach, Ciro Ferrara, a former Italian national team coach and current coach of Parma, Roberto Donadoni, and president of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC), Giancarlo Abate, is the most popular figure of Italian football were among the guests, and Morosini lover, Anna.
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