The 2012 Miss America Pageant broadcasts live from Las Vegas on January 14, but the show has already started on YouTube. This year, each of the 53 Miss America contestants have created their very own YouTube video, showing off their style and personality, and fans are invited to vote for their favorite finalist. I know you’re probably thinking to yourself, “Miss America videos? Srsly?” But trust me—these videos are more entertaining than you think.
Winner: Miss Wisconsin Laura Kaeppeler
- 1st Runner Up: Miss Oklahoma Betty Thompson
- 2nd Runner Up: Miss New York Kaitlin Monte
- 3rd Runner Up: Miss Arizona Jennifer Sedler
- 4th runner up: Miss California Noelle Freeman
- Miss South Carolina Bree Boyce
- Miss Florida Kristina Janolo
- Miss New York Kaitlin Monte
- Miss Iowa Jessica Pray
- Miss Texas Kendall Morris
- Miss Virginia Elizabeth Crot
- Miss Illinois Hannah Smith
- Miss Arizona Jennifer Sedler
- Miss Alabama Courtney Porter
- Miss Tennessee Erin Hatley
- Miss California Noelle Freeman
- Miss Wisconsin Laura Kaeppeler
- Miss Oklahoma Betty Thompson – America’s Choice
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