Back in September, the world learned about Jamey Rodemeyer, a gay teen victim of bullying, who committed suicide just days before the first U.S. Education Department national summit against bullying. The 14-year-old boy was found dead months after he posted an anti-bullying video on YouTube. The video titled "It Gets Better, I promise!" encouraged those who were being bullied to be strong, according to news reports. Rodemeyer suffered being bullied by his classmates for a long time in person and on the Internet.
Now he is dead and a family has a loss that will never be healed.
Already people are tweeting concerns that this bullying could cause Amber Cole do likewise.
Another reason to Leave Amber Cole alone is that you cannot hide your footprint on the Internet and you don't want to be caught sharing child porn. Even if you are not the one who recorded the video and posted it on the Internet, watching that video or passing it on could land you in serious trouble with the law if you are caught.

It also very disturbing that this teenage girl is possibly being bullied on the Internet. Twitter was created as a platform for friends to share interests and information with each other, not for breaking the law and destroying people's lives.
Amber Cole Video on Youtube
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