Miley Cyrus smoking weed

Miley Cyrus seems to be one of the latest addicts of this “weed”. She is addicted and on her eighteenth birthday, we caught Miley Cyrus red-handed as she helped herself to a mouthful of smoked bong drugs. WARNING: Miley Cyrus smokes from a bong at a Los Angeles party. Disney has made this child an ‘idol’ for children, so ensure your wife/children are removed from the room before reviewing for your parenting group.

She starts ‘tripping’ on this drug, just like people on the dangerous drug acid. She starts asking her friends, “Am I tripping? Am I tripping? I think I see my boyfriend, Liam!”

There was no boy named Liam at the party as her boyfriend was some 1800 miles away. She was seeing Satan, appearing unto her as her boyfriend to ease the process of him deflowering her innocence, enabled by the powerful vapors of dangerous weed.

Miley Cyrus smoking weedWe all know the stats. Marijuana is a gateway drug, where at least half the victims of its addiction go onto harder drugs such as meth, black ice, cocaine and LSD. It is not uncommon for women who are addicted to these drugs to give their bodies up for prostitution and fail in all major endeavors, as seen with Lindsay Lohan.

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miley cyrus smoking weed

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